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تانسورها ، رياضيات نظريه نسبيت و مكانيك پيوسته

۴۱ بازديد

كتاب تانسورها - رياضيات نظريه نسبيت و مكانيك پيوسته (Tensors - The Mathematics of Relativity Theory and Continuum Mechanics)، مشتمل بر 300 صفحه، در 7 فصل، با فرمت PDF، به زبان انگليسي، همراه با مثال ها و تمرينات متعدد به ترتيب زير گردآوري شده است:

Chapter 1: Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces and Linear Mappings

  • Fields
  • Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces
  • Linear Mappings of a Vector Space
  • Dual or Covariant Vector Spaces

Chapter 2: Tensor Algebra

  • Second-Order Tensors
  • Higher Order Tensors
  • Exterior or Grassmann Algebra
  • Inner Product Vector Spaces and the
  • Metric Tensor

Chapter 3: Tensor Analysis on a Differentiable Manifold

  • Differentiable Manifolds
  • Tangent Vectors, Cotangent Vectors, and Parametrized Curves
  • Tensor Fields over Differentiable Manifolds
  • Differential Forms and Exterior Derivatives

Chapter 4: Differentiable Manifolds with Connections

  • The Affine Connection and Covariant Derivative
  • Covariant Derivatives of Tensors along a Curve
  • Lie Bracket, Torsion, and Curvature Tensor

Chapter 5: Riemannian and Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds

  • Metric Tensor, Christoffel Symbols and Ricci Rotation Coefficients
  • Covariant Derivatives and the Curvature Tensor
  • Curves, Frenet Serret Formulas and Geodesics
  • Special Coordinate Charts

Chapter 6: Special Riemannian and Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds

  • Flat Manifolds
  • The Space of Constant Curvature
  • Einstein Spaces
  • Conformally Flat Spaces

Chapter 7: Hypersurfaces, Submanifolds, and Extrinsic Curvature

  • Two-Dimensional Surfaces Embedded in a Three Dimensional Space
  • (N −1)-Dimensional Hypersurface
  • D-Dimensional Submanifolds

جهت دانلود كتاب تانسورها - رياضيات نظريه نسبيت و مكانيك پيوسته (Tensors - The Mathematics of Relativity Theory and Continuum Mechanics)، برلينك زير كليك نماييد.


تانسورها ، رياضيات نظريه نسبيت و مكانيك پيوسته